
Two years ago, the AAS DEI Committee partnered with the SECOND Trial to create a National Mentorship Network, after SECOND Trial data showed that racially/ethnically minoritized residents were significantly less likely to report having a mentor who cares about them or their careers at their home institutions. 122 residents enrolled, of which 98% had at least 1 minoritized identity, and were matched to 85 faculty volunteers. The mentees overwhelmingly reported meaningful interactions with their mentors, with 97% reporting that their mentors gave honest advice, 90% that their mentors were invested in them, 64% that their mentors emotionally supported them, and 58% that their mentors gave them opportunities they otherwise would not have had. 68% of faculty reported finding meaning in participation. We are so excited about the potential for this program to support diversification of our field - and so grateful to all of the faculty who so generously gave their time.

We are currently making preparations for a third year of enrollment. As SECOND is ending randomization, the AAS/SECOND National Mentorship Network is being extended to all programs. As such, we are currently recruiting more mentors, especially those from minoritized backgrounds (e.g., gender, race/ethnicity, LGBTQ+), from smaller subspecialties, and/or those who are comfortable talking about potentially sensitive topics such as mental health. Most mentor-mentee pairs meet 2-5x/year, so it is generally not a large time commitment. We provide training around peer support and crisis management skills.

Please feel free to post/forward the attached recruitment materials at your institution.

2023 Mentor Form 2023 Mentee Form

Mentor Training Materials

Peer Support Resources Mentor Training Slides Mentorship One-Page

Recruitment Materials

Mentee Recruitment Flyer Mentor Recruitment Flyer